mmmm, you smell good
No, Not you. The other guy. And that lady back there. Yeah, you guys. Dang, thanks for taking the time. I mean, wow. Most of us go out smelling alright. Nothing exceptional. But those of you who show up smelling like sunshine and a lovely spring morning are owed a debt of gratitude and by god I'm here to say Thanks!
Thanks for making me smile with your freshy freshness. You have brightened my day with your attention to cleanliness and I am grateful for it. You can tell by the fact that I have taken the time to come here and say so for all of the internet to see.
Gosh, that is gratitude.
For those of you who do not so much add joy with your, shall we say, scent, please make some changes to your leaving the house routine. You know who you are. You're the guy no one wants to stand beside on the subway. The woman no one will stand next to in step class. It's gross, really, so please stoppit. Stop being gross.
Those of you who are a basket of daisies, once again I say thanks. Thanks for being you.