i am not a finalist in the Bob Awards!
I Thought I would let everyone know that there will be no need to go searching for my name among the finalists in any of the many categories over at the BoB awards. You will not be asked to go click the button next to my name on a daily basis because my name is not there. There is no button.
No No. I don't blame any of you.
It's a relief if you must know. Being a finalist must gain one increased traffic on one's site. That'd mean more comments. More love. More adoration. More all things good and lovely in blogland.
Gosh, I've got more than my fare share of all that right now.
It might even get me on The Femelist (oooh ahhh).
Not that I need that sort of attention in order to value myself as a blogger.
Oh I readily admit winning an award of almost any kind would excite in me feelings of JOY heretofore unfelt by me. But I'm not one to go begging for anything. It's not my style.I don't beg. For anything.
Except chocolate. If I ran out of chocolate and you had all the chocolate left in the world I would beg you for even the smallest morsel.
You'd give me some, yeah?
Well then, that's all I need. That makes you a real friend as far as I'm concerned. Sharing your chocolate with the likes of me. Someone you don't even really know. Gosh, my heart glows with the warmth of your goodness.
Next time there are awards though I wouldn't object to being considered. Oh I'm not saying any of YOU should nominate me. Oh My No.
Actually, well, yes. Would you?
No, I'm so kidding (really).
As long as I've got the promise of chocolate I'm a happy blogger. And you have promised. Yes you did. Back there. Everyone heard you so don't try to back out of it. When the Mad World Chocolate Shortage hits buddy boy I'm gonna come a knockin' and I'll be expecting you to make good on a promise.
Alright then good. We're square. No hard feelings on the award thing. In fact, let's never mention it again.